weird people making weirder comics

Friday, August 15, 2008

Website Is Moving

Since we're starting to grow bit by bit, I decided that it would be really nice to have secondary pages for people to cruise through and to hold extra information about the dropdown, how to join, and what update schedules each of the comics operates on. Because of that, we're moving to a wordpress account. This site will continue to update with the other one for the time being, until everyone gets accustomed to the new setup and all, but pretty soon things will be completely on the wordpress site.

You can find it at:

Thanks and sorry for this inconveinence. Hopefully it really is a move for the best though.

Failed Objective

It is an honor to announce that Failed Objective, a comic following the office life and antics of Cade Williams, a tech guy in some faceless company, has been added to our dropdown just today.

This comic just got its start this past June and so the archive is small enough to cruise through and catch up on. This also means that their viewerbase is still young and growing, so if you like a strip, definitely send in some feedback, StumbleUpon It, Digg it, etc to not just give them some more hits, but to help them get some exposure to new and interested readers. The hardest part about starting a comic is finding your niche. They've found a great little community here, so lets help that grow even more.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you can contact them via email. The artistic talent is and the written words are thrown down by And, as anyone will tell you, feedback is always appreciated. We hope you enjoy their work like we did and add them to your reading list very soon!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Get Milked!

We're lucky and proud to announce that Get Milked (a funny, single frame comic, updating 3 days a week) has just become the fourth member of Off-The-Wall Comics.

This is a real honor for us, not just because this is a hilarious comic with frequent updates, but because Get Milked has been around the web since 2001 and is still going strong. So, as the new member of the dropdown, we urge you to definitely check out his archive, keep up with the new strips, and maybe drop him some fanmail/art if you've got the time.

Thanks for stopping by and we hope you keep dropping in for more great updates, comics, and improvements to the website and dropdown community itself.